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what is adult fantasy genre and adult fantasy standalones to read

Adult fantasy standalone   Before recommending the book let me explain what is Adult fantasy. What is Adult Fantasy?   Adult Fantasy is a subset of fantasy fiction aimed at an adult audience as it has more mature theme and is written in tone that appeals to adults.   Fantasy books have creatures and concepts that do not exist in the real world . Adult Fantasy can be any type of fantasy genre, but as a general rule the main character and cast will be aged 20+ , but of course that’s not rule set in stone, there are adult fantasy that have teenage characters.   The storylines focus on adult experiences and the themes of adult fantasy are handled with less angst in a mature outlook.   The viewpoints (point from which the story is told) in adult fantasy are different from what you normally read in YA fantasy. Various points of view may be explored without intruding on the vibe of the novel. Language and vocabulary can be complex.   Some of the popular adult fantasy

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